
Don't post. Don't post. Surprise!

Censor This
Third post today. It's only 1 AM.
I'm going to do more NaNo after this, I promise.

Topic: Censorship
Reason: Curiosity

There are certain words I never say - by never say I mean I can count the number of times I've said each of them on one finger. These words are just words, but I've been conditioned to not use them, because they are 'dirty' words. They are forbidden words.

I don't like profanity. I think when it's overused it makes the speaker come across as stupid.

That being said, I can appreciate the emotion that can - seemingly - only be conveyed through expletives.

I am starting to think I have no problem with profanity, just excessive use of the same words. Writing always makes me discover things about myself I didn't know.

I still feel uncomfortable using profanity, though, but I'm really starting to question the reasoning behind its taboo labeling.

Puzzlingly Yours,

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